There is only one reason why I write my blog and let it be published publicly. I do not post this blog to hurt people or make myself cool. I write this blog because it is one of the only ways I know how to express myself emotionally. My real friends who have known me for many years, support me and my creative outlet. People who do not really know me will never understand it. But that's okay. I am not everyone's cup of tea and my personality is not for everyone.
It does not make me lose sleep at night to know that someone believes lies about me and never really understood me. I'm an open book, and I have little respect for people who hide who they are. My number one issue with people is when they pretend to be one thing, but they are really another.
None of us are perfect. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, and continue to make mistakes. That's alright, we make mistakes and we grow from the experiences. It's when you aren't growing that you should be concerned.
I'm perceived as huge bitch to many people who don't know me. I am blunt, to the point, and do not accept people treating me badly. Thus, other girls often form opinions about me that are untrue, but that is okay, because them liking me is not on my priority list. I try to give people chances after they have hurt me, but it never seems to work out.
Perception of who we are and what people see is a funny thing. We may think everyone likes us, and then when we aren't around they may comment on how trashy we were at a Christmas Party or how embarrassingly drunk we were the other night. Laughable, how fake someone is to your face, and how they will stab you in the back that first chance they get. I've noticed these people usually will try to alienate you from your friends. And yet, a lot of people still think these types of people are their friends. Living in the darkness of not knowing is much easier for them. In exchange, they alienate every person who is truly there for them.
I like to accept who I am, all of my physical and emotional flaws. Embrace it, because you are less likely to care at the end of the day if someone does not accept you. The past 6 months has really shown me that I only have the power to let others hurt me. Others do not have the power to hurt me. If you don't like my personality, that's okay. I won't be sad about it, because chances are, I probably don't like you either. Sounds kind of harsh, but we are all so different from one another. How is everyone expected to just like everyone else? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I hate these people. I just don't care for them to be in my life.
My intentions are to always see the best in people. My oldest friends have been in my life for over 10 plus years, friends that I can call and share my joys and sadness with. I appreciate that and will be forever grateful for the acceptance. We have had our fights, but we deal with them as adults, and it makes our friendship stronger. I would be worried if we didn't have fights, because then you know it isn't real.
Back to my first sentence, this blog is my form of release. To say the words that are hard to say. To be me, and you can either love it or hate.