"We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone."
Life has been an emotional roller coaster the past few months. Leaving a company that I hated, a break up, cleansing myself of toxic people, and a new found independence have a way of doing that to you. In the madness, I have found the piece of me that I did not know existed anymore. The piece of me that is hungry for something more in life. I could never imagine working 50 hours a week in an office again, it crippled me. Life is not about working for the weekend, it's about seeing the beauty that is around you and taking in every moment. Sure there are days that I do not want to get out of my bed and would rather lay around, but sometimes you just got to force yourself up and grab the day by the balls.
I had a bad case of the Mondays, and wanted to lay in my bed all day because of the rain and grey weather. But I had a few friends call off work and knew that it was time to go enjoy the Pacific Northwest. I had never been to Snoqualmie Falls in Fall City. It's only a 45 minute drive from Tacoma, and a quick easy jaunt to the lookout and around the area.
The Falls are breathtaking and the power of the falls is impressive. There were a ton of tourist running around, but not many ventured off the viewing platform. From the platform you can feel the mist of the falls. There is also a cute little bar called the Attic within walking distance.
Monday was pretty rad.
Heart Smiles.